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{wordcount} words
General texts?
Graded Readers from Wayzgoose Press?

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First provide some text.

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Query: [{attr}="{query}"], hits: {concordance.length}.
# {order == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Left context KWIC {order == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Right context {order == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Sentences
{l.w}{l.g ? "" : " "}
{r.w}{r.g ? "" : " "}
{l.w}{l.g ? "" : " "} {concline.kwic} {r.w}{r.g ? "" : " "}

First provide some text.

Statistics Types Words Lemmas Percent
{item.title} {Object.keys(this[ + "_types"]).length} {this[ + "wc"]} {Object.keys(this[ + "_lemmas"]).length} {(100 * this[ + "wc"] / vert.length).toFixed(2)}%
All {Object.keys(lcpos2pos).length} {k1wc+k2wc+k3wc+cawlwc+offwc+fwwc} {lemmas_count} 100.00%
180 ? -10 : 10)} y2={arc.p2.y} stroke="#555" /> {arc.perc}% 180 ? "end" : "start"} x={arc.p2.x+(arc.marc > 180 ? -5 : 5)} y={arc.p2.y-3}>{}
Readability statistics Score
Average no. of words per sentence {wordsPerSentence.toFixed(2)}
Average no. of syllables per word {syllablesPerWord.toFixed(2)}
Average no. of characters per word {charactersPerWord.toFixed(2)}
Flesh-Kincaid Reading Ease? {fleschKincaidReadingEase.toFixed(2)}
CEFR? {cefr}
Statistics Value
Characters {text.length}
Lowercase types {Object.keys(lc2pos).length}
Tags {Object.keys(tag2pos).length}
Type-token ratio {(100*(Object.keys(word2pos).length/vert.length)).toFixed(2)}%
Sentences {this.sentences.length}


PoS { profAttrWord ? "Forms" : "Lemmas" }
common nouns
proper nouns

Get data as TXT
Lemma {aorder == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Frequency {aorder == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Hits per million {aorder == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Ref. hits per million {aorder == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"} Score {aorder == "asc" ? "↓" : "↑"}
{item.lemma} {item.frq} {item.hpm.toFixed(2)} {item.ref_hpm.toFixed(2)} {item.score.toFixed(2)}
word tag lemma lemma+pos
{token[0]} {token[1]} {token[4]} {token[6]}